Innovation and Collaboration
Our use of data plays an important role in shaping how we understand and deliver services. We will use it to inform and provide valuable insights that will help us to improve decisions and drive innovation and automation.
Our journey so far

Where we want to be?
- Create and share data and insight that improves our understanding of the borough and create opportunities for businesses and education establishments to learn and innovate
- Rationalise and integrate our systems so that we have a single view of the customer
- Improve the use of data to better understand the needs of customers and iterate digital development to meet those needs
- Develop the skills required to ensure that we are getting the best value from our data and enable us to turn it into information, insight and intelligence
- Encourage cross-service initiatives and the sharing of resources, data, technology and talent to learn and scale digital transformation
- Work with partners to meet their technology needs
- Share data by default to encourage open innovation and published APIs will be required of our suppliers
- Develop and support platforms for residents to help each other and co-produce community solutions
- Maximise the opportunity for user involvement to generate content on issues that resonate with them by targeting posts towards topics that invite discussion
- Follow the Technology Code of Practice making data security and privacy an integral part of how we design services